Terms and conditions
Thank you for visiting the website www.quantummodules.ro. By using the website www.quantummodules.ro and/or any other service offered, it is considered that you have read, understood and fully accepted the terms and conditions of use of the website. If you do not agree with any of the site’s terms and conditions, you have the right to stop using it immediately.
Users have free access to the website www.quantummodules.ro. If necessary, logging in with a user and password allows access to additional facilities for each service and customized content.
The process of purchasing a building is conditioned by the signing of certain documents, such as, but not limited to: the reservation contract, the modular house order, the sale-purchase contract for the modular houses and the payment of the full price or the payment of an advance depending of the conditions established for a certain sale of a modular house.
Usable surface: The usable surface published on the site is presented as provided by the modular house manufacturers and is based on the architectural projects of each modular house project. It is possible that there may be differences between the published surface and the final surface, which may be due to several factors: small differences due to the application of finishes or plasterboard, making architectural changes, changes to models or manufacturing lines, etc., the information being presented for information purposes, without being binding of any nature.
The prices and offers presented on the website are valid only within the limit of the available stock, and the final sales prices may be different from the price on the website, considering price changes due to the prices of building materials or other factors beyond the control of Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL ui or the Intermediary. To find out the available stock and the exact selling price, it is necessary to contact the Call Center operators or directly contact the sales representatives. For technical and objective reasons, related to the very rapid updating and modification of the offers, it is not possible to publish the exact quantities available at a given time. The prices presented on the website do not represent a binding offer for sale.
The cheapest offers: The mention “cheapest” or “cheapest” offers refers exclusively to the properties offered for sale on the site and does not represent a universally valid phrase. The rankings and charts offered on the site may contain certain inaccuracies due to the frequent and very rapid updating of the data available at a given time.
Promotional price: It is a price valid for a certain period by Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL for modular houses. If the term for the promotional price is not established, it is valid until the moment when Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL wants to return to the reference sale price, without the need for prior notification. The promotional price is offered only within the limit of the available stock and without Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL being responsible if this price is not maintained on the date when the buyer expresses his intention to buy, if he has not made the purchase at the time when the promised price was available. The promotional price is lower than the reference price.
Price plus VAT: To the displayed price, the corresponding VAT rate is added, depending on the fiscal provisions applicable to individuals or legal entities, as the case may be. The displayed price plus VAT at the standard or reduced rate is applicable only to the extent that the existing fiscal provisions regarding the VAT rate will be maintained until the date of full payment/handover of the modular house, otherwise the Buyer will fully bear any difference of VAT would be due additionally, depending on the legal and fiscal provisions applicable from the date of delivery of the modular house, respectively of its full payment and invoicing.
The energy class provided in the Energy Certificate provided for a certain model of modular house is only valid for the wall thickness variant that was analyzed, the climatic zone and depending on the positioning of the house and for these reasons the energy class may suffer differences in relation to the energy certificate provided.
Green certification “green homes” or NzEB houses refers only to certain types and models of modular houses that have received this certification. For complete information, please contact us.
Exclusion of liability
All the information presented on the website www.quantummodules.ro is provided without any kind of guarantee, expressed or implied, of suitability for a specific purpose. The information presented may include technical inaccuracies or typing errors. The information on this site is offered to you in good faith, from sources deemed to be reliable. We do not guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or objective.
www.quantummodules.ro will not be liable in any way for any kind of damage (direct, indirect, accidental or not) resulting from the use or inability to use the information presented on the site correctly and for any type of errors or omissions in content that can lead to any kind of inconvenience.
www.quantummodules.ro reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of use at any time without prior notification. This site is offered as is without any other warranties.
Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL reserves the right to make any changes to the projects. All images are for presentation purposes and may be subject to change.
www.quantummodules.ro may contain certain links to Internet pages of third parties. By accessing the links to other sites, you assume the responsibility to comply with the terms and conditions that govern the respective sites.
By accepting these terms and conditions, you implicitly accept the fact that www.quantummodules.ro cannot control, in any way, the content of third-party sites.
Therefore, www.quantummodules.ro does not assume any responsibility towards visitors regarding the information of any nature contained on the respective sites.
Any inclusion of links to other sites is done for the sole reason of helping the site visitor and does not imply our endorsement of the material available on or through those sites nor any association with their operators. The visitor accesses those sites and uses their products and services exclusively at his own risk.
The buyer understands and accepts that the user manuals and maintenance instructions are made available by the manufacturer of each modular house model and are offered as such without guaranteeing in any way that they are exhaustive or complete and that they cover all stages of assembly and maintenance.
The technical projects, including the architectural projects, of the resistance structure, the installation plan are made available, depending on the model of the modular house. We do not guarantee that they are sufficient or guarantee in any way the obtaining of the building permit, where necessary, being offered free of charge, but without any explicit or implicit guarantee regarding compliance with the urban planning regulations at the location of the modular house. Please check this with an authorized architect and the urban planning department where the modular or prefabricated house will be installed. The responsibility for the authorization of a certain project belongs exclusively to the Buyer.
Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by improper assembly, or failure to store, use or otherwise handle the parts of the modular homes, according to the recommendations or in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer or industry standards. Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL will not be liable to the buyer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any loss of profit, loss of business, diminution in value or depletion of goodwill or any indirect loss or damage , incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or subsidiary. The total liability of Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL to the buyer regarding all losses related to the supply of the products will in no case exceed the price of the products purchased on its basis, if they cannot be replaced or repaired.
Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL guarantees that the parts of the modular houses are in accordance with the quality standards in force offered by the manufacturers.
The warranty period of the products sold is equal to the warranty period offered by the manufacturers for the respective product as established in the Warranty Certificate issued by the Seller/Manufacturer.
Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL is not responsible for and the warranty specifically excludes all product defects resulting from: (a) causes resulting from the improper assembly of modular house parts; (b) causes beyond the control of Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL, including, without limitation, theft, vandalism or other malicious damage, fire, floods, windstorm, other adverse weather conditions or natural calamities, equipment failure, voltage drops, non-fulfillment of obligations by other suppliers of the Buyer or non-fulfillment of obligations by other suppliers proposed by Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL, to the Buyer; (c) the use of any other parts of the modular houses that are not manufactured by the same manufacturer or marketed by the Seller; or (d) failure by the buyer to comply with any assembly instructions or documentation related to the product published by Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL or delivered to the buyer by or on behalf of Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL regarding the parts of the modular homes, including, without limitation to , carrying out the preparation of the land surface and the preliminary treatment for the assembly of the modular house and the assembly of the parts of the modular houses, in accordance with the respective instructions or the specialized documentation of the product. Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL does not guarantee the workmanship or conduct of the buyer or any third-party contractor or applicator, and Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL shall not be responsible for damage to or failure or damage to modular home parts resulting, directly or indirectly, from defective workmanship in any inspection, application (including surface preparation), installation or maintenance of modular home parts by the purchaser, any third party contractor or applicator or any other person or entity. Any repair or attempted repair by the buyer or its agents or representatives or any third party will void the warranty, unless this repair is performed in accordance with the written instructions of Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL.
In case of defects in the parts of the modular houses, the liability of Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL will be strictly limited to the replacement of the parts of the modular houses.
After the expiration of the warranty validity period provided in the Warranty Certificate, Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL no longer guarantees the product and the buyer agrees that he cannot obtain any replacement, compensation for defect or damage from Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL after the expiration of the period of validity.
Cases of warranty exclusion:
Improper use, interventions of any kind on finishes, electrical or sanitary installations void the warranty;
Non-observance and non-observance of regular maintenance operations for and non-observance of the Installation or Use Manual leads to the exclusion of the guarantee;
The Manufacturer’s Warranty does not cover defects that may arise from normal wear and tear;
The Manufacturer’s Warranty does not cover losses or deficiencies that may occur due to natural phenomena such as the appearance of pests or insects, non-compliance with humidity conditions or failure to ensure a constant internal temperature of at least 15 degrees C;
The Manufacturer’s warranty does not cover defects that may appear as a result of insufficient preparation of the foundation and installation surface, including those regarding ensuring water drainage and other natural phenomena;
Intellectual property
The entire content of the website www.quantummodules.ro – images, texts, graphics, symbols, Web graphic elements, scripts, programs and other data – is the property of the owner of the internet domain: www.quantummodules.ro and its collaborators, the rights of intellectual property being protected by law.
The information may be reproduced by printing for personal use only. The information cannot be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to another person or incorporated in any way in another document or material without prior written permission.
www.quantummodules.ro includes sections that contain content in text, photo, audio or video format that can be reproduced or copied only with the consent of the site administrator.
If any of the published articles or any other information falls under the copyright law, please contact us so that we can take the necessary measures.
Contact and identification data:
Quantum Premium Modules Group SRL is a Romanian legal entity, with headquarters in Berceni Commune, tarla 76, plot 3701/3/2, Sp. com 1, floor 1, Jud. Ilfov, registered at the Ilfov Trade Register under no. J23/3427/03.06.2021, having CUI 44379012.
Date of last modification: 04.11.2022.
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