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Unul dintre principalele avantaje ale caselor modulare: eficienta energetica

Autor: Quantum Modules | Actualizat la: May 28, 2024

Cu siguranta iti doresti o casa care sa fie nu doar frumoasa si confortabila, ci si prietenoasa cu mediul inconjurator si cu bugetul. Casele care se remarca prin eficienta lor energetica remarcabila sunt casele modulare.

Acestea sunt structuri prefabricate, construite din module individuale realizate in fabrica si asamblate ulterior pe santier. Modulele pot fi fabricate din diverse materiale, precum lemnul, otelul sau betonul, si sunt produse in conditii controlate, ceea ce garanteaza calitatea superioara a constructiei.

Unul dintre cele mai mari avantaje ale caselor modulare: eficienta energetica

O casa modulara ofera numeroase avantaje, de la costuri reduse de constructie si exploatare, pana la mobilitate. Unul dintre cele mai semnificative beneficii este eficienta energetica, datorata unei serii de caracteristici specifice acestor tipuri de locuinte:

  • Capacitatea de a-si mentine temperatura interioara constanta. Casele modulare sunt proiectate pentru a oferi o izolare termica excelenta. Fiecare modul este fabricat cu materiale izolante de inalta calitate, care reduc pierderile de caldura in timpul sezonului rece si mentin racoarea in timpul verii. Astfel, vei economisi energie si bani in ceea ce priveste incalzirea si racirea casei tale.
  • Utilizarea unor tehnologii avansate de izolare. Ferestrele si usile sunt proiectate inca de la inceput pentru a oferi o etanseitate optima, reducand astfel scurgerile de aer si pierderile de caldura. La casele modulare moderne, sistemul de izolare al peretilor si acoperisului este conceput pentru a minimiza transferul de caldura prin convectie si radiatie. Astfel, casa ta modulara va putea face fata temperaturilor extreme, fara niciun fel de probleme. 
  • Designul compact. Datorita faptului ca modulele sunt fabricate intr-un mediu controlat si ulterior asamblate pe santier, aceste case pot fi proiectate pentru a fi eficiente din punct de vedere spatial. Astfel, se minimizeaza suprafata exterioara expusa, reducand pierderile de caldura sau de aer rece. De asemenea, designul compact permite o mai buna utilizare a resurselor, precum si o economie de energie in timpul constructiei si in exploatarea ulterioara a casei.
  • Capacitatea de a integra resurse regenerabile.O casa modulara poate fi usor adaptata pentru a integra surse de energie regenerabila. Poti instala panouri solare pe acoperis pentru a genera electricitate din energia solara si exista optiuni pentru instalarea sistemelor de captare si stocare a apei de ploaie.
  • Materialele prietenoase cu mediul. Casele modulare (indeosebi casele propuse de Quantum Modules) sunt fabricate cu materiale reciclabile si sustenabile, care reduc impactul asupra mediului. De asemenea, fabricarea lor controlata implica o mai buna gestionare a deseurilor si o reducere a emisiilor de CO2. 

Prin alegerea unei case modulare, contribui la protejarea mediului inconjurator si la crearea unui viitor mai sustenabil, fara a face rabat la calitate si de cele mai multe ori, nici la spatiu. Datorita peretilor mai subtiri, dar foarte eficienti din punct de vedere energetic, a materialelor inovatoare si a imbinarilor perfecte, poti obtine maximul de spatiu interior pe care ti-l poate oferi amprenta casei.

Our process

1. Design

The design of a modular house is undoubtedly the essential step in our process. That’s why we approach it with the utmost seriousness, and our architects and engineers will do their best to analyze every detail of your project.

2. Construction

This is the field in which we excel, because we have teams of very well-trained specialists, with great experience in the field of civil and industrial constructions, top engineers and technicians who operate high-precision machines, and we are a team dedicated to every project we build. or manufacture.

3. Transport

The transport of the products built in the factory or the materials that will make up your future modular home is coordinated and ensured by our team, which, together with our strategic collaborators, uses road communication routes from all over Europe.

4. Assembly

The process of assembling a modular construction is complex and consists in the careful joining of the various components that make up the module, usually right at your location. Our technicians and site managers, together with the project manager, constantly ensure that they are strictly respected mandatory construction and assembly steps.

Visit the first permanent modular home exhibition in Europe!

Access to the showroom is free for all visitors. To ensure we provide you with the best experience and expert consultation, we invite you to fill out a short scheduling form before your visit.

Bulevardul 1 Mai 346 H, Comuna Berceni, Ilfov

Visit the first permanent modular home exhibition in Europe!

Quantum Modules Partners

Premium Modular Building System

© Quantum Modules Premium Modular Building System – All rights reserved

*The information, sketches and images presented on this site are purely informative and are not binding, of any kind, for Sud Rezidential Real Estate SRL or the real estate developers and may undergo changes. The real estate developers reserve the right to make changes to the project

*We recommend that you carefully study the sketches, the real estate project, the location and the neighborhoods, at its location, before booking/purchasing any real estate.

*It is also necessary to check, in advance, the availability of residential units, the offers presented being offered only within the limit of the stock available at a given time;

*For exact information on the situation of a property or the existing stock, please request accurate information from the Sales/Developer Department.

*To the displayed price, the corresponding VAT rate is added, depending on the fiscal provisions applicable to natural or legal persons, as the case may be. The displayed price plus VAT at the standard or reduced rate is applicable only to the extent that the existing fiscal provisions regarding the VAT rate will be maintained until the date of full payment/handover of the modular house, otherwise the Buyer will fully bear any difference of VAT would be due additionally, depending on the legal and fiscal provisions applicable from the date of delivery of the modular house, respectively of its full payment and invoicing.

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