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Constructia unei case modulare pas cu pas

Ai auzit despre casele modulare si iti doresti sa iti construiesti una? Casele modulare reprezinta o solutie eficienta si moderna pentru a avea propriul camin, in ciuda numeroaselor mituri care s-au creat in jurul lor. Acestea sunt rezistente, ofera o izolatie excelenta si genereaza costuri reduse.

Idei smart pentru amenajarea unei bucatarii mici

In general, spatiul disponibil intr-o casa modulara nu este unul urias. Pe poti gasi case cu dimensiuni care incep de la doar 18 mp. Chiar si intr-un astfel de spatiu, cu putina creativitate si planificare, poti amenaja o bucatarie perfecta.  Idei smart pentru amenajarea unei buca

Intrebari si raspunsuri despre casele modulare

Casele modulare sunt constructii prefabricate, alcatuite din module independente produse intr-un mediu controlat si apoi asamblate pe santier. Aceste module pot fi realizate intr-o gama variata de dimensiuni si configuratii, oferind flexibilitate in proiectare si adaptabilitate la nevoile individual

Idei inedite pentru exploatarea unei case modulare

Casele modulare devin tot mai populare, atat in randul celor care isi doresc o locuinta, cat si in randul celor care doresc sa faca investitii imobiliare pentru a genera castig pasiv. Aceste structuri versatile si inovatoare ofera numeroase avantaje, cum ar fi costuri reduse, montaj rapid si posibil

© Quantum Modules Premium Modular Building System – All rights reserved

*The information, sketches and images presented on this site are purely informative and are not binding, of any kind, for Sud Rezidential Real Estate SRL or the real estate developers and may undergo changes. The real estate developers reserve the right to make changes to the project

*We recommend that you carefully study the sketches, the real estate project, the location and the neighborhoods, at its location, before booking/purchasing any real estate.

*It is also necessary to check, in advance, the availability of residential units, the offers presented being offered only within the limit of the stock available at a given time;

*For exact information on the situation of a property or the existing stock, please request accurate information from the Sales/Developer Department.

*To the displayed price, the corresponding VAT rate is added, depending on the fiscal provisions applicable to natural or legal persons, as the case may be. The displayed price plus VAT at the standard or reduced rate is applicable only to the extent that the existing fiscal provisions regarding the VAT rate will be maintained until the date of full payment/handover of the modular house, otherwise the Buyer will fully bear any difference of VAT would be due additionally, depending on the legal and fiscal provisions applicable from the date of delivery of the modular house, respectively of its full payment and invoicing.

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